My simple correct childhood

I am the first child in a young family of creative people, a year and three months later I had a brother. We lived with my family in Tula, first in an apartment, then moved to a private house, and later bought a house in the suburbs, where I spent my childhood and youth until I left my parents ' nest. My parents had a workshop right at home, so most of the time they were present at home, which allowed them to devote enough time to our upbringing during breaks in work.

I feel very grateful to my parents for what they gave in my childhood and how they organized it. I want to share some important findings-skills and habits that were instilled in me at a young age.

Various sports activities

Our parents made sure that we were able to play football, volleyball, basketball, badminton, and ride a Bicycle at least at a basic level. I remember how my father showed me the correct techniques for serving and batting the ball. often, when guests came to visit us, we could all play ball together after the drinking part. Thus, we got a good General physical training and the ability to support different sports in the company and on vacation.

Classical music

In our time, tape recorders were popular, so parents chose classical music, which they played in the background during our children's games and classes. Now I can generally distinguish Bach from Mozart, and I enjoy working at home to Chopin. I developed a good taste in music and improved my overall cultural development.

Domestic stuff

Our parents were busy with work, so our children's responsibilities included: washing dishes, cleaning the house, helping in the garden, washing their things, cooking dinner if their parents are not at home, and other help. And these tasks were carried out calmly, without resistance, as a matter of course. Now I am a good hostess and easily organize my life at a decent level.

Motivation to help

At an older age, when we could be counted on more, and the load on household chores was increased, parents introduced a ""help rating"" - for each case done, a plus was put. At the end of the month, the total amount of assistance was summed up and given out in the form of incentives in monetary terms. This system did not last long, because it was not very effective. And over time, the help remained at the level of the usual obligations. But this practice has taught us to provide voluntary assistance to loved ones, but for other children it can be a good additional incentive.

Additional work skills

When we moved into the new house, it needed a good repair and rebuilding. The whole family took an active part in this. My brother and I helped to mix concrete, lay bricks, glue Wallpaper, saw, putty, paint, etc. At the same time, they learned about the intricacies of construction and repair. This wonderful experience helped me in my adult life to make repairs in the apartment on my own, plus the acquisition of General preparation for life.

Earning money and attitude to work

Since the parents worked in the workshop at home, they made it possible to see by the example of their work that money is earned by work, and does not come from nowhere. They attracted us with some help in order to teach us something and arouse interest for the possible continuation of the family business. Each aid was paid for. Thus, there was an understanding of where parental money comes from, that it does not just come from the wallet, but is obtained by labor, and there was a motivation to work.

Dousing with cold water

I was 4 years old when for the first time my brother and I were taken out into the cold in the morning and doused with a bucket of ice water. And the winters were still real! Moreover, my mother herself was an example of these procedures. One day, I got sick and had a fever of 40 for several days, my mother decided to take this extreme measure, and-lo and behold! I went on the mend and soon recovered.
This practice was maintained for several years, and thanks to it, my brother and I remained quite healthy and seasoned children, and I have good health now.

Communication with adults

We children were treated as adults, so we were often present at the common table when guests arrived, and, accordingly, were witnesses, and, if allowed, even participants in adult conversations. This formed a certain view of the world, and most importantly-the ability to communicate at a young age.

This probably had the best effect in the future on choosing a more interesting, adult and intelligent environment and the ability to communicate with any people.


We had a fairly good library at home, and it mostly consisted of art books, encyclopedias, and fiction. Thanks to children's encyclopedias, a fairly broad understanding of the world around them, knowledge of nature, and interest in culture and science were formed. Now I can call myself a person with a good Outlook and sufficient concepts about life in its various spheres.

Practical knowledge of the world around you

We had a microscope in our family, and we liked to look at various natural elements under magnification (insect wings, grass blades, moss, etc.). Also, thanks to living in a private house, there was direct contact with nature: plants, living creatures. My brother and I had a hobby: we collected caterpillars in a jar, selected the right food for them, provided all the necessary conditions (light, air), watched them grow, turn into pupae and received a whole offspring of butterflies that were fully capable of life. It was an interesting and unusual experience of interaction with the outside world, developed observation of the process and responsibility for bringing things to a result.continuation

Needlework and creativity

Here, as in physical training, attention was paid to various activities: embroidery, beading, sewing, carving on plaster, modeling from plasticine and clay, designing, drawing, creating crafts from natural materials, etc. This developed fine motor skills, creative imagination, creativity, and the ability to create. One of my favorite Hobbies was sewing. First I sewed for my favorite and only doll, and then for myself. I could sew on a typewriter, make a pattern, select fabrics. Also a favorite activity was the creation of houses from the constructor. I thought through everything to the smallest detail of the interior, and each house was not like the other. Then I really wanted to become an architect or interior designer. As a result, I got a decent creative development, a sense of style and taste, the ability to create something with my own hands, the ability to apply it to work and teach other people.

Intellectual games

My dad taught me how to play chess and checkers, and at one point in time I even succeeded in it, winning prizes in chess. Moreover, one of the types of family recreation was Board strategy and intellectual games, the interest in which has remained to this day. This pastime helps the child to get developed and strategic thinking, the ability to calculate and build moves.

Ability to occupy yourself on your own

Working with modern children, I notice that children often do not know how to occupy themselves: they need nannies or gadgets. In my childhood, this was a matter of course: parents are busy with work, there are tasks to complete, there are resources to occupy themselves with.

All this contributed to the development of independence, lack of understanding of what ""I'm bored"" means, constant employment with something.

Organizing your own space

Many children often build their own houses out of chairs and bedspreads, and my brother and I were no exception. We made most of our"" dwellings "" on the street: these were huts, snow caves, and huts. All the materials at hand were used: branches, boards, stones, mown grass, and much more. These were not just shelters, but a claim to our own housing: we organized certain activities there, such as reading books or playing games, invited guests, fed them berries and gave them tea with all the honors. This is how the child learns to create their own space, equip it, and think through both the technical and comfortable components.

Attitude to TV

In our family, there was always a TV, but viewing content was limited by several factors. The first is the lack of satellite TV and only up to 5 channels with a normal image. Second – the choice of parents, who were more inclined to Soviet fairy tales and cartoons, scientific and educational programs, from films-family, decent. The third limiting factor is time: first lessons and business, then watching TV. Thus, I still do not have a predilection for zomboyashchik, and for almost 9 years I have been living without it, as well as a very selective approach to the content viewed and have a good taste for movies.


Now this is called the ""time Tracking"" exercise, and as a child we kept exactly the same statistics: planning how much time it would take to complete a task and how much was spent. Thus, it was possible to calculate how much time it would take for a particular case. This helped me realize the value of time and the useful habit of planning and calculating time to do things.

Teaching responsibility for others

Since I was an older sister, which I was proud of and used whenever possible, I was often the initiator of various activities, and therefore I was also responsible for the consequences for myself and my brother. So one day, I saw that the first Tulip bloomed. My mother was away on business for a while, and I came up with the idea of climbing out of the window through the hall and going to smell the flower. The job was done, but we couldn't get back in because we were too small. When my mother came and saw the open window and the children running around the yard, of course, she brought me to justice in the form of deprivation of walks for a week-me to a greater extent, as the instigator. It is also related to the assistance and cooperative games.

In addition, there were always animals in our house-cats, dogs, and a turtle. Our duties with my brother included timely feeding of animals, playing with them and walking. These measures taught us to take responsibility for others, who are important in common Affairs as well as in adult life.

Simple proper nutrition

Our parents didn't spoil us much, but they always provided us with the most necessary things. This also applied to food. The food was balanced, simple, and most importantly, healthy. I still don't understand how you can drink Cola and eat any chemical sweets. A huge plus was living in a private house, which has its own vegetable garden, garden and organic products in them. Now I also adhere to a healthy, simple and proper diet.

""No"" to complaints

Only in adulthood I realized a certain desire to sometimes complain, in childhood this was not the case. I broke my knee-we'll smear it with green paint, my mother will blow and run on. Sometimes even shock therapy was used: the child fell and is just about to cry, the mother ""poor floor/chair/table, probably badly hurt"" - the child is silent and does not complain. If there was something more serious, whether it was a bruise or a lack of communication with others, the coaching method was used: why it happened, what you did, what could be done to avoid it in the future. Since complaints are one of the ways to attract the attention of parents, and since in my case it did not work, I had to look for other, more appropriate methods.


From a very young age, when I was still less than two years old, I helped my mother in cleaning as much as I could, and even then I kept order: I myself learned to make the bed and put toys in their place. Also, the rule of order was built in perfectly, not only at home, but also on the street, always throw wrappers in the trash or carry them home with you. Even as a child and now I do not understand how you can throw garbage in the middle of the street. Maintaining order at home on a level remains with me to this day.

Respect for nature

Like many children, I often wanted to pick a flower, break off a twig, and such attempts were well stopped: ""And if you tear off your finger, will it hurt you? So the tree will be hurt. You can't do this"" (development of the second position of perception). Careful attitude to nature in General is expressed not only in preserving the beauty of the surrounding world, but also in relation to living creatures: insects, animals do not offend – they are smaller and more defenseless. Instead, they instilled an interest and admiration for the beauty of nature and the living world: to observe, to consider, to inhale, to feel. So developed my great love for nature, which will remain with me until the end of my life, from which my friend even gave me the nickname ""goblin"".

Culture of speech

I once brought home from kindergarten a bad word on the letter J. My mother did not approve of this and forbade me to say these words again. So in our family, rude or uncultured words never sounded, and this habit persisted until I moved to Moscow, where I changed my environment and even learned to swear. Prudence was also brought up in me, and so I soon said goodbye to this habit.

Picnics and hikes


One of the family's favorite pastimes was picnics and Hiking. Of course, these were not trips to the mountains with huge backpacks, but rather trips to the wild, sometimes with tents, to the forest or to the river. Here we could have a great time as a family, talk, and do something together. These were wonderful rallying events, where everyone had their own responsibilities (to collect twigs for a fire, prepare and arrange food for a picnic, etc.). in modern times, this will be especially relevant, because modern families rarely use live communication, and in nature you can discover both cognitive aspects and have a great time without gadgets and household fuss.

When my brother and I got older, I came up with the idea of publishing a family magazine. My brother supported me, and we spent the whole summer doing it. They took the matter seriously: they wrote articles, made illustrations, published permanent and changeable headings, raffled off prizes for readers, discussed current topics, and created entertainment content. Now these 5 issues are stored in the family archive and are reviewed with great pleasure. It was not only fun, but also pumping skills such as planning, customer orientation, ability to make reports, reports and urgency – after all, the magazine was published consistently every two weeks!

For my childhood, I am especially grateful to my younger brother, who supported me a lot and helped me implement various ideas. Thanks to the fact that we always had each other, we learned to interact, negotiate, and do common things.

I had a great childhood, and my children will have an even better one!