Hypnosis, suggestion, and trance

​​​​​​​Before William James, there were two warring views on hypnosis. Everyone agreed that under hypnosis, people show abilities that they do not normally have, but argued that the real reason for these effects of hypnosis. Some researchers believed that these effects are created by the trance state that people fall into under hypnosis. Others were convinced that trance had nothing to do with it, and these amazing abilities appear in people as a result of suggestions from the hypnotist.

That is, the first said: ""Suggestions may not be, but if there is a trance, then there will be amazing abilities."" The second said: ""Trance may not be there, but if there are strong suggestions, then there will be amazing abilities."

What do you think? Who's right?

William James suggested combining these two points of view. He said, "" Both are right!"" Namely, hypnosis effects are created by suggestions, but without trance suggestions do not work or work poorly. Trance creates a state when suggestions begin to work!

If a person has special States in trance without being given special suggestions, then suggestions still work, but hidden: the expectations of the person himself or suggestions made by the hypnotist unnoticed by the person himself.

Over time, most researchers of hypnosis adopted the position of William James, adding the following observations...

Whether suggestions work or not depends on three main circumstances:

1. What is the ratio of forces. There is the power of suggestion, but there is also the power of possible resistance to the internal attitudes of a person.
2. What is the direction of forces? Suggestion and internal attitudes of a person do not necessarily contradict each other, they can have a single direction!
3. What is the suggestion strategy? In addition to the frontal attack, there are many other, sometimes much more effective approaches and digs…

Of course, there are people who can speak clearly, strongly, convincingly, whose suggestions are difficult to resist. Strong suggestions are a powerful tool, but sometimes they encounter the same internal resistance. The more my mother insisted that we need to do our homework, the more powerful the attitude of ""Well, these lessons in the bath!»

Yes, if you give a person suggestions that contradict their original attitudes, they will resist these suggestions. If a person wants to MOPE today, it will be difficult for you to convince them that they want to work hard today. If you inculcate a person against the wool – he will object to such suggestions.

But if a person's cognitive attitudes are such that they coincide in essence or direction with the content of new suggestions, then these suggestions will fit into their belief system. If a girl likes to know that she is beautiful, it is not difficult to inspire her that she is a beauty Queen. When the belief system is inclined to accept new beliefs, you just say them, and they will fit easily.

But, in addition to cognitive attitudes, we have bodily attitudes. When a person is physically in a state of ""I feel bad"", when he has a sour face and miserably drooping shoulders, then in this state, telling him that life is beautiful is useless. If a person is now cheerful, lively and active, then suggestions that we all live in Paradise and in General the beauty of life will enter into it easily and with enthusiasm.

If before the battle the soldiers must instill the ""We will win!"" the soldiers put in a nice system, chest out, nose up, horn sounds, knocking drums, the soldiers loudly shout a greeting to commander, he leads them vigorous speech, and then a General cry of ""We will win!"" will be a strong suggestion.

Now, we have a state where we don't mind anything mentally or physically: this is a relaxed state of the body with rare calm breathing and a fixed gaze. When the body is relaxed and does not Express anything, the body does not object to anything. When thoughts stopped running, began to swim, and then completely floated away-also there is nothing to object to. And this state is called trance.

Yes, in this state there is no special support for new suggestions, but in this state, any suggestions enter the person. Without resistance. Moreover, you can inspire not only direct and open suggestions, but hidden and invisible suggestions. We simply tell the person that trance is therapeutic in itself, that it only needs to remove thoughts, our hidden reserves of health in us will Wake up naturally, and our unconscious will find its way to where it needs to go. Attention can be lulled by murmuring, attention can be distracted by soft music, attention can be riveted to the flickering light of a burning candle...