Are the memories stored in the subconscious real (GDP)

Are the memories stored in the subconscious real (GDP)

The book ""Introduction to psychology"". Authors - R. L. Atkinson, R. C. Atkinson, E. E. Smith, D. J. BEM, S. Nolen-Hoeksema. Under the General editorship of V. p. Zinchenko. 15th international edition, Saint Petersburg, Prime-euroznak, 2007.

Development of problems of personality psychology in the 80-90s

Development of problems of personality psychology in the 80-90s

Published in: Psychological science in Russia of the XX century: problems of theory and history. Edited by A.V. Brushlinsky, Moscow: Institute of psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1997, Pp. 331-367.



​​​​​​​Superconsciousness is a type of the unconscious. This is an emotional — like activity to solve complex emotional problems, an attempt to get out of difficult situations. Manifestations of superconscious include overcome the ideological contradictions of the first stages of the creative process (hunches, insight, hypotheses, ideas, etc.). The physiological mechanism of the superconscious — right hemisphere dominant. Simonov believes that the consciousness in contrast to the subconscious is designed to unload, but instead of loading the mind with work. Yoga theorists believe that the human mind has three aspects: subconscious, conscious, and superconscious. The result of the superconscious are many psychological phenomena.

Why IQ, SAT, and GRE don't measure overall intelligence (GDP)

Why IQ, SAT, and GRE don't measure overall intelligence (GDP)

There is a funny anecdote about a man waiting for a bus, and when a woman passes by, pushing a baby carriage in front of her, she looks into the stroller.